Business-Minded Legal Solutions

Real estate projections: always opportunities for key participants

We pride ourselves at Stephenson Fournier with being a proven full-service real estate legal team for industry participants of every stripe.

We note on our Houston business law website that our demonstrated advocacy for valued commercial clients is truly comprehensive. The firm’s practiced attorneys can help you “whether you are a real estate investor, developer, lender, commercial tenant or owner.”

There are ample and diverse opportunities for all those individuals and entities both presently and on the horizon in Texas and nationally. A recently issued commercial realty report authored by the nonprofit Urban Land Institute stresses that some trends its researchers see as emerging could potentially “become breakout investments in the near future.”

That bodes well for select industry players, of course, provided that they are proactive and diligently engage in relevant due diligence efforts. The institute’s findings centrally suggest that they look into a number of potentially profitable real estate areas.

One of those is the ever-expanding realm of planned community developments. Many of those these days feature both residential housing and local amenities (e.g., offices, stores and what the ULI calls “foodie-centric public spaces”).

Another growing realty sphere relates to so-called “Hipsturbia.” That term connotes “a slow but steady push toward the suburbs,” especially by the Millennial demographic. New multi-purpose areas are rising in such environments across the country. They integrate housing stock with an area renaissance feel marked by well-planned parks, public transport, walk-to-work corridors and more.

Other trends, too, are cited in the report, including entrepreneurial and investment opportunities tied to the “silver tsunami” of seniors demanding new lifestyle choices and outlets.

The ULI report fundamentally notes the always “large and dynamic” variables churning across the American economy. Those unquestionably bode well for business opportunity.
