Business-Minded Legal Solutions

Are you under-represented?

Companies that do a great deal of business in Texas often need representation to negotiate contracts and ensure compliance. A company headquartered out of state or overseas may rely on their internal lawyers to do most of the “heavy lifting,” and look for inexpensive local attorneys on an as-needed basis.

However, such a strategy can mean short relationships with inexperienced attorneys who may not carry their weight or offer the greatest return on investment.

What to look for in representation

While every attorney has a basic understanding of the law and can provide a service, there are many factors that you must consider when seeking counsel. These factors can be:

  • Relationships: An experienced attorney will have an established working relationship and reputation in Texas. While that is no guarantee for success, it can make certain obstacles much easier to overcome.
  • An established track record: Some businesses have highly specialized needs and requirements. You may require an attorney who can personalize a solution or approach with speed and creativity for your business.
  • Internationally recognized skills: For overseas companies, firms with familiarity with the unique needs of such clients are in short supply. However, there are many obvious benefits of such a firm.

Retaining experienced counsel that understands Texas’ business law and commercial real estate landscape can improve your business’ outlook.

The benefits of retaining counsel

Aside from finding a firm that matches your company’s needs, familiarity is another benefit to retaining local counsel. When your attorney understands your business –your revenue streams, future goals, and business strategies – they can work with you to build a thoughtful approach. They can use their understanding of the local landscape and your needs to make connections that other attorneys may never consider.
